Small Backpacks & Small Rucksacks

If you are a lover of short trips, hiking, trekking or walking around the city, then the small handy backpack is what you need. We have a wide collection of small up to 20 litres in capacity lightweight and multi-functional backpacks and rucksacks from our best brands such as Viper, Pentagon, Mil-Tec and many more. They are not only handy and comfortable, but at the same time, they offer a great amount of carrying space and the number of MOLLE straps, D-rings and lateral compression straps, which allow controlling the weight and the baggage fixation. When used on their own, they are perfect during the short trips when you are not really planning the overnight stay or when you need hand luggage to keep your most important belongings like a passport, mobile phone, laptop or even a little snack. Small backpacks will fit into the overhead locker on the plain so you can definitely take them with you when you plan the short weekend break abroad. Have a look at our website now, we can guarantee that you will find the bag you love.

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  1. Helikon EDC Sling Backpack Ny/Po Melange Black-Grey
    out of stock
    Now $119.65 Was $125.95
  2. Highlander Dia Lightweight Backpack 20L Black
    out of stock
    Now $60.26 Was $66.95
  3. Highlander Dia Lightweight Backpack 20L Vino
    out of stock
    Now $60.26 Was $66.95
  4. Highlander Quest Daysack 12L Pink
    out of stock
    Now $22.46 Was $24.95
  5. Highlander Quest Daysack 12L Lime
    out of stock
    Now $22.46 Was $24.95
  6. Highlander Quest Daysack 12L Red
    out of stock
    Now $22.46 Was $24.95
  7. Helikon Raider Backpack PenCott GreenZone
    out of stock
    Now $256.45 Was $269.95
  8. Helikon Raider Backpack PenCott Badlands
    out of stock
    Now $256.45 Was $269.95
  9. Helikon Raccoon Mk2 Backpack Black
    out of stock
    Now $159.55 Was $167.95
  10. Helikon Raider Backpack A-TACS FG
    out of stock
    Now $256.45 Was $269.95
  11. Highlander Quest Daysack 12L Blue
    out of stock
    Now $22.46 Was $24.95
  12. Highlander Dia Lightweight Backpack 20L Blue
    out of stock
    Now $60.26 Was $66.95
  13. Helikon EDC Sling Backpack Ny/Po Melange Grey
    out of stock
    Now $119.65 Was $125.95
  14. Helikon Groundhog Pack Black
    Now $119.65 Was $125.95
  15. Helikon Groundhog Pack Coyote
    Now $119.65 Was $125.95
  16. Direct Action Dust Mk2 Backpack Woodland
    out of stock
    Now $256.45 Was $269.95
  17. Direct Action Dust Mk2 Backpack Urban Gray
    out of stock
    Now $256.45 Was $269.95

Items 1-24 of 302

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